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The Barbel Blitz! Nov 2017

I organised a trip to the river Trent, with a few of my friends. We hoped to get a Barbel or two! Well things went rather well and we had quite a few!

Dean Macey had 5, all of which were over 10lb, 2 at 12lb and 3 at 14lb or over, which came in an incredible 30 minute period on the second night!

Adrian Smith had 4 or 5 up to 11lbs 6oz.

Lawrence King had 7 or 8, including a new PB at 10lbs 5oz and another double as well.

I had a 12lbs 6oz PB and another couple around the 7lb mark.

I won't recount the full story for now, because if I write another book it will be in there, but what happened was hilarious, proper Spug "Buffoonery" as Lawrence would call it!

Or you can read it in Adrians new book called "Monsters of river and rock"

You can order Adrian's book by hitting the button below.

We did however have a lot of fun and made a little video of the trip, which you can watch below, hope you enjoy it!

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