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Welcome to my website!

Well I guess the first question should be, why do you have a website?

Well it's not because I am vain, I can assure you! The answer is a simple one. When I wrote my second book, "Carping mad3!" me and my good friend Steve Lazarus, decided that we could make it together, I would write it and he would do the design and layout. The upshot of that meant we have had to self-publish the book and I needed a way of selling that book on the internet, without copping loads of charges and here we are!


I must admit I have quite enjoyed slowly building this site and it's been nice to share my pictures with everyone. There are some great pics in the galleries, fishing, Iron Maiden and a bit of travelling, why not take a look? 

I have also added some of my tongue-in-cheek videos in the Spug TV section, there's some pretty cool fish in there.

My name is Mike Redfern, but most people call me Spug, a nickname from school. Since an early age I have loved fishing and hard rock/metal (especially Iron Maiden) and generally having a cheerful outlook on life. My life changed at 17 when my best mate from school, Jim Cook (pictured above with me at school) was killed in a motorbike accident. It utterly destroyed me at the time.

I vowed from that day on, I would do everything I could to enjoy every day, as much as possible. Sometimes people say to me, "you still talk about losing Jim, aren't you over that yet?", well I am, but unlike a lot of the world we live in, I am a very loyal person who doesn't forget where I came from and who my real mates are.

I think in this world you get the rough with the smooth, it aint all a bed of roses, and it certainly hasn't turned out to be what school said it would be, I was going to be a spaceman! But you have to strangle everything you can out of it and stay true to your beliefs and your pals (even if you have to have the odd row with them) Don't let the bastards grind you down and go for everything you can, because nothing is given to you on a plate. I am not a gifted angler like Terry Hearn etc, but I have caught a few along the way, including Two Tone at 56.08, but it was caught through effort, patience, self belief and a huge dollop of luck. I have been lucky in a lot of ways, I just spent 2 years in Thailand working for the worlds greatest fishery, Gillhams fishing resorts, now that was lucky!  Luck came my way when I got to go fishing with Adrian Smith from the world's greatest band Iron Maiden. Luck came my way when Kev Knight from Mainline baits said I could be a consultant. 

So in a nutshell what I am saying is, there's nothing wrong with being a bit of a clown,(Well in your homelife, but professional in your work life) you need some luck, be cool and don't upset your Karma levels, drink beer, air guitar and love life as you only get one shot at it.

All the best! 


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